Core Muscle Exercises
Play hard. Don't Play hurt. Vincera gets you back in the game.

Core Muscle Exercises

Strengthening core muscles increases stability and can help reduce injury and maintain mobility. Many popular "core exercises" actually put you at risk for a core injury but there is a significant amount of exercises you can do to help safely develop core strength and address groin strains. The team at Vincera will work together with you to develop the best strategy for you and your injury.

Exercises for the Core

  • Abdominal crunches: The six-pack starter kit. But, a key to reducing stress on the back when doing crunches is to cross your arms on your chest rather than putting them behind your head.
  • Bridges: This is sort of like a reverse crunch. Lie on your back, with your knees bent and arms on the ground and slightly extended from the body. Lift your hips up until they align with your knees and shoulders, while keeping your feet and shoulders on the ground.
  • Plank: Thought that was just another one of those "post a photo on social media" fads? Well, turns out plank exercises play a key role in strengthening the core. It helps stretch the abdominal muscles, hips, lower back and hamstrings. Get into push-up position using your forearms on the floor (instead of your hands) and rest your toes on the floor. Your body should be in a straight line from shoulders to heels. Hold the position for a certain amount of time. Other plank positions can help as well.
  • Yoga: Vincera has developed a protocol of 20 different yoga exercise designed to rehabilitate and build your awareness of the muscles surrounding your hip and pelvis. It is geared toward improving your core stability and safely increase your flexibility as you recover from surgery as well as be a part of a long-term core strengthening program.
  • Leg abdominal press: Lie on your back with your knees bent. Keep your back flat and your hips straight. Lift your left leg up so that your knee and hip are at 90-degree angles. Then, use your left hand to push your knee down while you use your abdominal muscles to pull your knee toward your hand. You can do this one or two legs at a time. There are several variations of this exercise you can do in order to increase strength in the area.
  • Massage therapy: Maybe this isn't exactly "exercise," but do not discount the power of therapeutic massage in strengthening your core muscles. It can break up scar tissue, or inhibit its formation. Such massage therapy also can improve flexibility and range of motion, which aid in making muscles and joints less prone to injury as you return to athletic activities. Maybe this isn't exactly "exercise," but do not discount the power of therapeutic massage in strengthening your core muscles. It can break up scar tissue, or inhibit its formation. Such massage therapy also can improve flexibility and range of motion, which aid in making muscles and joints less prone to injury as you return to athletic activities.

Groin Injury Exercises

  • Standing groin stretch: Stand your legs wide apart then shift your weight in one direction, allowing your knee to bend until is over your foot. Do it in both directions to stretch and strengthen both sides of your groin area.
  • Seated groin stretch: You may know this as "the butterfly stretch." Sit down, bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Hold your feet with your hands, rest your elbows on your knees or thighs and slowly and gently begin to push down.
  • Squatting groin stretch: Stand with your feet wide apart and then slowly begin squatting until your knees are bent at 90 degrees. Once you've received your maximum squat level, slowly push outward on your thighs with your hands.
  • Hip opener: Start in forward lunge position with left leg, then drop your right knee to the ground. Put your left elbow inside your left knee, and twist your torso to the right. Reach your right arm behind you until you feel the groin and lower back stretching gentle. Repeat on both sides.
The diagnosis and treatment of core injuries is The Vincera Institute's mission and reason for being. We have helped tens of thousands of patients get back in the game. If you are suffering from a core injury, we can help.