Core Imaging and Radiology
Play hard. Don't Play hurt. Vincera gets you back in the game.

Vincera Imaging

Vincera Institute has a comprehensive radiology and imaging department for use in detecting and diagnosing injuries. Services include MRI testing, X-rays and ultrasound.

Diagnostic imaging of core muscle injuries

Vincera uses advanced imaging equipment and custom protocols to provide accurate diagnosing for core issues. Our radiologists from Thomas Jefferson University Hospital specialize in often-difficult diagnosis of pelvic, groin, buttocks and hip pain. Their experience with more than 10,000 dedicated MRI exams for core muscle and groin injuries, combined with the latest imaging technology, have led to accurate diagnoses and better treatment and recovery.

MRI testing for core muscle Injuries

Dr. William Meyers, founder of the Vincera Institute, and leading radiologists at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia were the first group to develop MR imaging techniques and protocols dedicated to the diagnosis of core and pelvis injuries.

This MRI technique is 92% accurate and can reveal other problems such as "soft" musculoskeletal findings, tiny avulsions fractures, peculiar edema patterns or intrinsic hip pathology.

It is both sensitive and specific for various injuries about the pubic symphysis, specifically for rectus abdominis and adductor pathology and also involving the hip and visceral pelvis.


X-rays are useful for visualizing the bones of the spinal column, hips, arms and legs. They can be used to diagnose fractures, misalignment, dislocations and tumors. X-rays do not accurately diagnose differentiating soft tissue structures.

Sometimes contrast agents are injected into joint spaces or cavities to allow for more precise visualization of certain structures. For example, an arthrogram refers to an X-ray of a joint after contrast has been injected into the joint space. This allows for better visualization of the cartilage within the joint and can help diagnose arthritis or labral tears.


In conjunction with an MRI, a diagnostic ultrasound often is performed to assess for injuries that can only be seen while moving the core or hip (dynamic ultrasound). This includes the assessment for inguinal or abdominal wall hernias, snapping iliopsoas, snapping iliotibial band and snapping rib syndromes.

Ultrasound frequently is used to determine exactly where the pain comes from by having the patient point to the maximum area of tenderness and then using ultrasound to assess which structures (e.g. tendon, muscle) are underlying the most painful spot.

The diagnosis and treatment of core injuries is The Vincera Institute's mission and reason for being. We have helped tens of thousands of patients get back in the game. If you are suffering from a core injury, we can help.